Frank Pallone Jr. tweeted the following:
"The New START Treaty was signed to prevent another cold war and avoid nuclear escalation. Putin is endangering the entire world and further alienating Russia on the global stage with his reckless rhetoric. The international community must condemn his irresponsible actions."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Frank Pallone Jr.:
"More than 1 million New Jerseyans applied for student loan forgiveness and they need relief NOW. Unfortunately Republicans want millions of Americans to continue suffering from insurmountable student loans as they continue to fight against @POTUS debt relief plan in court."Read on Twitter
"President Biden is showing the world what true leadership is. As we approach one year since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, his visit to Kyiv sends a strong message to Putin that U.S. support for Ukraine has never been stronger."Read on Twitter
"Since President Biden took office, Democrats have created a record 12 million jobs, while bringing unemployment to the lowest rate in over 50 years.We're supporting manufacturing, strengthening U.S. supply chains, and creating better-paying union jobs nationwide." on Feb. 20Read on Twitter