Frank Pallone Jr. tweeted the following:
"President Biden is showing the world what true leadership is. As we approach one year since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, his visit to Kyiv sends a strong message to Putin that U.S. support for Ukraine has never been stronger."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Frank Pallone Jr.:
"Since President Biden took office, Democrats have created a record 12 million jobs, while bringing unemployment to the lowest rate in over 50 years.We're supporting manufacturing, strengthening U.S. supply chains, and creating better-paying union jobs nationwide." on Feb. 20Read on Twitter
"On #PresidentsDay, we honor and celebrate our nation's Presidents, particularly Washington and Lincoln, who were great presidents because of their unique ability to unite our country in times of crisis." on Feb. 20Read on Twitter
"Climate change is leading to droughts that dry up reservoirs and reduce water supplies. Its not enough to address the impacts but we also need to address the root causes. This is why the provisions to reduce greenhouse gases in the #InflationReductionAct were so important." on Feb. 20Read on Twitter