Congratulations to the 2023 Impact 100 Jersey Coast recipients - The Boys & Girls Clubs of Monmouth County and Food for Thought, Shore House, Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide, and No Limits Cafe! As a current grantee of Impact 100, Monmouth Arts continues to be grateful for the work Impact 100 does to support local nonprofits, and we are especially excited for this group of recipients.
Monmouth Arts has partnered with the B&GC since 2018 to provide its members with youth arts programming, and in September we honored Marilyn Schlossbach, the founder of Food for Thought, for her philanthropic work. We are proud to support Shore House, having recently awarded the group a grant for its 2023 Art of Recovery event, which will showcase artwork created by its members. We leaned on the Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide following a screening of a film that addressed mental health challenges in youth. And last but not least, we recently had the honor of sharing cuisine from No Limit Cafe with our guests at the opening reception of the Belonging member exhibit at Brookdale Community College. Congratulations again to all of the 2023 recipients.
Marilyn Schlossbach
Impact 100 Jersey Coast
The Shore House NJ
Boys & Girls Clubs of Monmouth County
Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide
Original source can be found here.